Burner Extension Method 4
(SSH-2 and SSH-4) for Solar Heat Engine (SHE) Back End
The Burner Extension 4 drawing shows how heat energy collected by Solar Super heater (SSH-4) can be stored directly in the Heat Storage (HS).
The valves V4, V5 and the pump F-P6 are only turned on when the temperature of HTB5 is higher than the temperature of Heat Storage (HS) and it can accept more heat.
The Micro Wave Heater / Induction Heater is used as the source that produces extra energy when required in order to drive the Turbine (TB).
Burner (Part 1)
Burner (Part 2)
Application Examples:
Burner (Extension 1)
Burner (Extension 2)
Burner (Extension 3)
Burner (Extension 5)
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Solar Heat Engine Burner Extension Example 4
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