Burner Extension Type Nr 5

Burner Extension Method 4
(SSH-3 and SSH-4) for  Solar Heat Engine (SHE)  Back End  

In this drawing Solar Super Heater (SSH-4) is connected so that it will deliver it's heat directly into the Heat Storage (HS).

Solar Super Heater (SSH-2) has been left out of this drawing, but it can be connected, if more energy collection capacity is required.

The SHE expansion that is Solar Super Heater (SSH-3) is introduced in the drawing above. It has been connected to the A input/output path, but it could just as easily be connected to the B input/output instead.
That statement has been made in order to emphasize that the  Front End or ICG/ICG-EXT can still be connected to Heat Transfer Buffer (HTB3, because all HTB inputs and associated output are equal in value.

Solar Super Heater (SSH-3) can deliver heat to the HTB3 after the temperature of HTB6 has reached a value that is above that of HTB3. In order to do that the valves V6 and V7 must be opened and the pump FP-5 turned on.

For stationary SHE applications, the solar super heaters can be used to increase the amount of heat collected by the SHE.

Advantages of the stationary SHE as a means of generating electricity:

1. Does not necessarily require any fossil fuel.

2. They are by nature quiet.

3. When calculating energy needs verses house size, each individual person or family in larger buildings can have their own energy collection area, positioned on and or under the roof. For the sake of reason, that area can be 10 square meters per person and  above.  That allows energy gathering space for each person even in multi-level buildings where, on average, each person is to be allocated about 50 square meters of living and or working space.

4. In stationary applications, collecting solar energy by way of the SHE saves solar collecting area on roofs, because only the energy that represent the internal losses need to be provided using  photovoltaic or hydroelectric power.

Burner (Part 1)

Burner (Part 2)

Application Examples:
Burner (Extension 1)

Burner (Extension 2)

Burner (Extension 3)

Burner (Extension 4)

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Solar Heat Engine Burner Extension Example 5

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