Diesel Oil


Table 1:

1. In  Power vs. Speed, it was shown that :  45KW is required in order to move a 4 door family car on all types of roads. In the table it can be seen that 12.8 litre is required in order to move the vehicle at it's absolute maximum rate of 154KM/h and at  lower speeds on more difficult terranes.

2. Of the 45KW: 20% is said to reach the wheels = 9KW.

3. For electric drives: 18KW ˜  19KW would be required in order to get 9KW to the wheels. The electric current generator looses 30%.  The electric motor looses 20%. Control circuit losses of 10% will be assumed here. A diesel burner will be used to produce the heat that is required to  drive the turbine that drives the generator. 10% loss at the turbine and 30% loss at the burner will be assumed here, but in reality that value will depend on the quality of the burner and there are no statements available about them. That means that they will usually be self designed by the persons, who are making the SHE.

Total internal losses ˜ 30% + 20% + 10% + 10% + 30% = 100% of the 9KW, which brings us very quickly to the 19KW ˜ 20KW shown in the table.

That would mean that a vapour pressure turbine electric vehicle would burn 5.33 litre diesel in order to produce the same power as a conventional diesel engine that requires 12.8 litres.

Initial savings factor ˜ 12.8 litre/5.33 litre = 2.4 times less fuel used for an electric drive.

That amount of savings encourages the search for a suitable electric driven vehicle.

There are other undefined losses that have not been accounted for in this estimate, therefore after the first run,  25KW may prove to be the better choice, but in order to keep things straight forward, we will stick with the 20KW estimate for now.

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hp KW KVA lb kg liter gal
1 0.75 0.93 0.40 0.18 0.21 0.06
1.07 0.8 1 0.43 0.19 0.23 0.06
1.34 1 1.25 0.54 0.24 0.29 0.08
5 3.73 4.66 2.0 0.90 1.07 0.28
7 5.22 6.52 2.80 1.30 1.49 0.39
hp KW KVA lb kg liter gal
10 7.46 9.32 4.0 1.80 2.13 0.56
12 9.0 11 4.8 2.2 2.56 0.68
15 11 14 6.0 2.7 3.2 0.85
18 13 17 7.2 3.25 3.84 1.01
20 15 19 8.0 3.50 4.26 1.13
22 16 21 8.8 4.0 4.69 1.24
25 19 23 10 4.5 5.55 1.41
35 26 33 14 6.4 7.46 1.97
50 37 47 20 9.1 10.66 2.82
hp KW KVA lb kg liter gal
55 41 51 22 10 11.7 3.09
60 45 56 24 10.9 12.8 3.38
65 48 61 26 11.8 13.9 3.67
75 56 70 30 13.6 16 4.23
80 50 75 32 14.5 17.1 4.52
100 75 93 40 18 21.3 5.63
Diesel Engine Power to Fuel Consumption Table

Table based on a fuel consumption rate of 240g/KW/h

Power unit/s                    Fuel consumption/h.
Page (5)

Table of Diesel Engine Power to Fuel Consumption

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