Burner   (Part 1)

This burner is designated as an anything that is gas or oil burner.
In this design, heat conducting propellant is heated as required and the exhaust of the burner is passed through the Water/Glycerol.
The result is that almost all of the heat produced by the system from burning oil or gas will be used by the system.

The size of the  Water/Glycerol container must be laid out so that it will buffer enough heat when the system is being supplied only from the Burner and when the system is being supplied partially from the Burner.

It must have reserve cooling capability when the system is switching from one operating mode to the next.

The flame of the burner should be positioned such that the hottest part of the flame is focused on the propellant content and the rest is on the outside so that the 400deg.C for the perlite is not exceeded.

Power Consumption:
In order to avoid using over sized components, a second look is taken at Speed vs. Power .

A comfortable driving speed for the motor vehicle that is classified to have a power of 45KW is in fact somewhere between 100KM/h and 120KM/h.

The power consumption of about 20KW also looks very much better.

Equivalent Electric Power Required
=  Ep = (20e3/5) * 2 = 8KW

Divide by 1/5, because it is said that only 20% of an internal combustion engine energy reaches the wheels.

Multiply by 2, because electric systems that are controlled by resistors will have at least a 50% internal loss.

The values hover around those shown in Table 1.

The main goal here is to reuse most of the  8KW several times, before it is dissipated and thereby save the equivalent amount of heating oil.

The most straight forward way of doing that would have been to use JP to compress and pump the propellant that drives the turbine directly back into HS or the Burner and leave out everything that is in front of V1 and V2.

There is no scientific data about how much heat from a burner goes up the chimney and how much goes into the substance being heated and that point must be clarified, so that the input to output result of the Mobile SHE is not the same as that of the internal combustion engine.

For that purpose, a good compression pump (JP) is required. Secondly, it would have to be able to evacuate the turbine chamber faster than it can be filled.

Such a pump has already been designed and is said to be ready to replace all other pumps in all systems where pumps are used.

The main thing is that at least part of the propellant becomes a liquid, just before it leaves the output of JP , otherwise the jacket that could have been turned off will have to be used in order to ensure that vapour does not flow backwards towards the turbine.

From Graph 1:
Car uses P1 = 5KW/50KM/h = 0.1KWh/KM
= 0.1KWh per KM.
Car uses P2 = 20KW/110KM/h = 0.18KWh/KM
= 0.18KWh per KM.
Car uses P3 = 45KW/154KM/h = 0.29KWh/KM
= 0.29KWh per KM.

Remember that those values above are laboratory values.

Some of that energy is stored in the oil that is used in the Burner and some is extracted from the atmosphere.

Furthermore, because of the methods used in the SHE, the heat that has become available through storage is used partially several times, before
it is dissipated and lost.

The SHE construction is therefore only for persons that understand heat engines as well as that which has been shown and said in this text.

Same Design Analysis Slightly Different Numbers:

From the original
45 KW internal combustion engine vehicle, the usual maximum average power is assumed to be 22.5KW, in order to move at 100KM/h. Let's just say that the slight change in numbers is due to a wind change.

From the
22.5KW amount, only 20% = 5.5KW is expected to reach the wheels at the given speed.

For electric vehicles a 50% power loss is expected inside the system, so that input turbine power would be  5.5KW
* 2 = 11KW.

In this description, the SHE drive has been given the capability to  reuse spent heat.

A) Because this is a new system, there is no official documentation available about what input/output parameters might be. It will therefore be assumed that the reuse of hitherto spent heat can be given the factor 4.

That means that once the system is up to operating temperature, only 25% of  the required 11KW will be inserted as new energy into the system, in order to compensate for the internal losses.

B) Power requirement for the 100KM/h to 120KM/h speed would then
be: Qn =  11KW * 0.25 = 
2.75 KW.

That means that for forward motion at about 100KM/h the mobile SHE must insert
2.75 KW, either directly or indirectly, through the burning of heating oil.

C) The next available Jacket Pump (JP), Compression Pump (Cmp-4) and Generator (Gen) sizes will be about 3KW.

Note: the generator must produce the electrical energy that the pumps use in the system and that energy comes from the heating oil.

The fewer the number of pumps, the less internal energy will be required in order to operate them, unless they are, accumulatively, able to collect more heat than they use.

The batteries that provide smooth and instant, peak and constant power supply can be charged any time when maximum power is not being used, including when the vehicle is stationary.

That means that excess energy due to easing of the accelerator and driving below 100KM/h will go toward charging the batteries, if they need it.

By running the chimney of the Burner through the Water/Glycerol container, it is ensured that self combustion of any vapor that may  escape through that path can not occur and the batteries can be charged, when the vehicle is being driven or standing still and alone.

The places where internal losses occur are numerous and will have to be analysed for each individual vehicle or stationary design.

Burner (Part 2)

Application Examples:
Burner (Extension 1)

Burner (Extension 2)

Burner (Extension 3)

Burner (Extension 4)

Burner (Extension 5)

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Part 1 - Burner at the back end of the solar heat engine

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