The Cow 2

With a properly positioned farm house, the loss of land  due to payment defaults would then not be directly connected to loss of home, because other land renters can pay a missing amount and get use of such land for specific periods.

Even if it comes down to a defaulted farmer losing most of the original 15 to 20 hectares, they could still be able to keep the house spot and work for someone else. If that disturbs a new owner, they will have to provide an equivalent solution. This would be even more important, if the payment default is due to an accident in the owner group. All persons working on a farm will receive the same level of accident insurance, no matter where they sleep, because there is no satisfactory way of differentiating between work place and home.

Good governments write off losses that are due to natural disasters such as droughts, pests and parasites etc.

If ever there was a 10000 Year Old Problem, then it is a Road:

Up to this point in time (2021), the layout of African road and rail seem to suggest that they, in reality, were devised in order to connect mining places with ports.

Suitable paths to internal markets will also be required.

It is in the realms of governments to define what infrastructure is and what it is not.

Where Africa is concerned, melting tar is not something that can be considered to be "hi-tec".

What about this type of solution - From Top to Bottom:  
1. First a: Clay and or Gypsum and pebbles and cement mix. 
Not enough pebbles and the tires are gone. Too much pebbles and it is a slippery slope. Setting the level whereby the pebbles will be high enough so that vehicle tires will just about touch the rougher cement surface and get sufficient grip, without suffering too much ware and tear may require some original thoughts.

2. Next: A robust plastic sheet with hairs on both sides which are exactly the same as African hair.  Africans will know exactly what that statement is.

3. Next: Heavier stones at the bottom that are held together by a concrete mix. The heavier bottom will hold in the ground while the top can move a sufficient amount in order to dissipate vibration and surface expansion. 

4. The Plastic sheet is placed between (1.) and (3.) and cemented to the top and bottom surfaces. If tar is a by product in your country and the heat penetration
    through the top surface in one day is slow enough, then it can be used to glue the bottom side of the plastic sheet to the bottom stone and cement anchor. That method might be useful from a quick and cheap repair solution point of view. Repair would then consist mainly of replacing the top level.

5. Reinforced dirt roads around farms are probably quite suitable. Remember that you do not want your cows to slip and slide while moving around or be bogged down every time it rains.

6. There is not much documentation about how existing "fossil fuel industrial areas" actually removed the stones from land, but it looks as if Africa will have to invent a mobile stone breaking and cutting system that includes all the required support equipment. In the past there has been much talk about readily available amounts of diamond dust. Such a stone processing system would give diamond dust a value that would be unparalleled in any other part of the world. In fact the most advanced fossil fuel societies do not even have diamonds. On the other hand, Africans do not have an horse and there is less time available in order to achieve the same goals. The system would leave a network of roads and ready to use land as it moves across the landscape.  Leave the full scale removal of trees from farm land to individual persons. There is simply too much of "no tree in sight" where Africans, outside the daily rain belt, have set up homes for longer periods of time.


Suppose that you want to grow some swollen roots such as yams.
One of the things that most people will complain about is the lack of satisfactory ways to harvest them.

Here is a Suggestion:
Layout the yam hills as rows that are, lets say, between 1 and 1.5 meters high. This is because Africans dream about the yam that is 1 meter long.

Design an hydraulic fork that can be attached to your combination farm vehicle.

At harvest time push the fork teeth into the yam hill from the side so that it will be below the yams.

Lift the fork so that it will lift up the yams into a position where they can be collected more comfortably by hand. A pair of gloves and a water jet may make the job even easier and the second crop will get some moisture to help it on it's way.

In this context, it is noted here that one should not have to be a "coal miner", before one can prove the need for certain employee facilities at a work place.
Example:  Start the day with clean gloves that are also dry and do not come with any residual substances that may brake down the skin when they come into contact with water. Suitable face and feet protection is also recommended here as part of the yam harvesting machine plan. The story of the virus is well known, but it seems to be closer to the molecule level rather than the self multiplying microbe level. It appears that some of the things that are called viruses are so similar in structure to other useful things that the body can not always differentiate between them in a timely manner. As often said, "prevention is better than cure".

It is said that there can be a second or even third crop. If you are also in the cow business, you could even consider trying an extra touch of manure and or fertilizer in order to help those smaller one along too.

When the land has run out of strength, plant some Sudan Grass instead of the yams.

Sudan Grass is said to have the capability of bringing any land back up to it's original quality in one year. However, any batch of that grass that you want to use for that purpose must be chopped down and mixed into the ground, before it has seeded, other wise the seeds will carry off some of the nourishment that it had generated.  Sudan Grass is said to be so good at rejuvenating tired ground that it carries a sales price in countries external to Africa. Cows eat it too. Birds eat the seeds and that means that chickens will eat them too.

Yam and vegetable farmers could decide to become partial cow farmers and raise a few beef cows, instead of milk cows, because they are ready for market within two to three years. They would then also provide the manure from pre-digested Sudan and other Grass mixes.

Ploughing seems to be the best way of preventing rodents from taking up residence on farm land. By keeping their numbers down, you will also keep the numbers of the other things that  follow them around down too.


2 acres = the size of a full size football field  ( old English).
2.5 acres = 1 Hectare (metric system)
1 Hectare = 10000 square meters  (metric system)
1 square = 100 square feet ( old English).
100 square feet = about 9.2 square meters

A starting point could be to design or have someone design a 1 Hectare version of your farm. Decide what you want to plant and raise. If necessary, also judge how much space will be required for water collection as well as for sterilizing dirt and manure. Read everything that you can find about the things that you want to plant and raise.

Multiply the distances and sizes as the farm grows in size.

Remember that fences are circumferences and that the real size of  buildings and containers are cubic (volume) not square. Only the land is divided into squares.

Planting a mixed variety of fruit trees in rows may also facilitate the detection and propagation direction of certain pests and parasites. Unless you have grass close to their roots, more than one row at suitable distances apart so that they protect each other, some what,  from too much sunlight reaching the undersides of their leaves and roots might be a good planting strategy.  

Modern African farmers should keep documentation about yields (amounts) , even if it is just a table of contents and a few useful remarks about weather and pests etc.


1. Design a "plastic sheet layer" that can role out long rows of  plastic and role it back up again.

2. Design the plastic sheet so that the machine can join the edges of two sheets with a zipper or velcro type hook and loop fastener.

3. Design the plastic sheets so that they are in fact plastic bags.

4. In order to hold the bags up so that they can collect water, design separate  empty collapsible columns inside the bag so that they can be filled with air  or water. The reason for the columns is that they can be force filled with air or water and thereby hold up the heavier  top lair of  a bag as it collects rain water that is running off the very same top surface.

5. The height of those columns as well as the total area of the bags will depend on the amount of rain fall that will be expected in a certain area.

6. The bag will be designed so that it will run off rain water into a drain pipe system and on through a filter into a small container.

7. That water will then be pumped up from the container to the insides of the plastic bags. A square meter or two of solar cells and batteries whose total capacity is defined by the amount of water that is to be pumped into the bags will do that job. The height and amount of water that is to be pumped  from the filter up into the plastic bags will influence the required battery capacity.    

8. When the bags are full the rest will overflow into the outside world. That means that, if you do not want to do the job by hand,  the plastic bags will also contain a float on the inside that will turn the pump off and a moisture sensor on the outside that will turn it on.

9. When the bags are empty, the sun will pasteurize their insides, before the next rain.

10. If any thing should get into the bags, the close proximity of the top sheet to the water will reduce the amount of oxygen in the bags and thereby the amount of internal growth, but good design work can reduce that amount to values that go towards zero. If necessary, wash them out.

11. The result will be that a farmer will always have enough water and the ground underneath will be deactivated due to the lack of oxygen underneath the bags as well as the the sunlight that it lets through to the ground. Put them over depleted rows of yam hills too, the lack of growth on those yam hills can be compensated by a suitable mixture of Sudan Grass and or manure and fertilizer.

12. A farmer  that has such a "plastic sheet layer" will, for all practical purposes, be able to sterilize the ground and collect huge amounts of water at the same time. 

13. Another person or the government may just decide to collect water, convert it to mineral water and then sell it. The all round plastic bag design may then have to be a little bit more robust. It would probably also have to be just below ground level and the whole thing covered with a removable pre-filtering material combination.
1 meter rain expected in a year.
1 Hectare = 10000 square meters
1 cubic meter = 1000 liters.
1 Liter = 1.75975399 pints
1 gallon = 4.546092 liters.
Amount of water collected in cubic meters = 10000.
Amount water collected in 1 Hectar =  10000 x 1000 =   10000000 = TAW. 
Amount of water collected in pints = 17597539.9
Average amount required per person per day = 130 liters = DAW.
Number of persons per day = TAW/DAW = NP.
NP = (10000000/130) = 76923 persons for one day.
You can assume that industry is included in the per person average.

Remembering that, that amount was collected in a year, if a town had 76923 persons, then 365 Hectares of plastic bags would be required in order to supply them with the correct amount of water for the whole year and that is equal to 3.65 square kilometers.

A 100 Sq. Meter roof would provide 100000 liters per year. Storage under the same sized house.

A 25 meter * 25 meters = 625 sq. meter roof for the cow stall should therefore just about be able to supply enough water for 12 milk cows.

If the amount that those persons can collect from roof tops is also added, then the situation starts to look good, even for persons that do not have a river nearby. As can be seen from the above calculations, house and garden design in some parts of Africa would then become quite unique and interesting.

Green House:

In Africa a green house means a "Cool House". That means that if you can not get enough sunlight in, while keeping roots cool, some broad leaf plants may not do very well inside them. The ability to be able to set the amount of  sunlight while maintaining air flow will be part of the design work.
Sterilized Sudan Grass dirt, manure and  fertilizer will complete the combination for crops that will grow more than one time in a year. That means that in a "Cool House" you will be faking the climate. All year round fresh vegetables and salad type things.
That means that you can have plants grow out from under a relatively shade into the sun while still having a means of protecting them from parasites. Green houses are a popular way of starting plants, before moving them to the real heavy duty outside world. For certain plants, the success rate is higher. Let your scientists tell you how to do that one.

It is accepted by all that letting farmers and workers get cash advances on their land and work gets things going. Not all crops will bare fruit and not all work will produce objects. There will be plenty to do in trying to find the reasons why they do not and devising methods to combat the situations.

Maximizing SHE Capability (Update 16.9.2021)
Due to the way that the SHE works, it produces cool air,  heat and electric power.
Now, if for example the cows are being bedded down on sand, here is an expansion that can be implemented.

1. Have two containers that will collect the water sand and manure that is being extricated from the cow stall. They will be used alternately.

2. You will have to decide yourself how large those containers will be. They can be let into or built into the ground.

3. If you want to sterilize their content that is the refuse from the cow stall, they should be insulated against heat dissipation into the ground.

4. The excess heat that is generated by the SHE is dissipated into those containers, whereby only one of them will be on line to collect that heat at any given time. 

5. It is assumed here that you will easily find useful purposes for the cool air that is also generated.

6. Once one of the containers is almost full, it will be taken off line and replaced by the other one.

7. The content of the container that is taken off line is already sterilize. It would then just be a case of pumping the liquid manure portion of that content onto fields. The sand that always gathers at the bottom of the container can then be given a rinse. After drying it will be ready for reuse.

8. The function is economical, even if the cow feed is being brought in from far off places.

9. If the containers are designed as large pressure cookers, the excess methane can be burned off at the top of a chimney.

If necessary, governments can place miniature farms in suitable places so that interested persons can get a perspective on things. That would integrate well into infrastructure work, because there would be no profit taking on the part of the government.  It would be just something for everyone and perceived in the same way as roads.

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Farm Environment Cow 2

A Solar Heat Engine Driven Farm based around the Cow Part 2

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