Electronic-Soft Title Logo 1X
Twxt Edge 1
Title Edge 1


Before you go any further on this page, you may want to compare it's visual appearance with it's Version 2 counter part. Version 2 does not have this preamble part, but it has exactly the same information content that are linked together using in page links and thereby allows one to switch to different sections of the same page.

The Page Title and Page Description have been modified slightly in version 2, in the hope that search engine software will not, by using text comparison, conclude that both pages contain duplicate content.

Certain search engines talk very strongly against duplicate content, but in this case the intension is more important than search engine software decisions.

The sitemap.xml and robots.txt files on this website have been used to try and prevent search engines from making an erroneous decision about the two web pages, by theoretically making version 2 invisible to them.

The <h1> text tag that is visible in the source text of this page becomes lost in the source text of version 2 when it is copied from a web browser and viewed in a text editor.


html instruction codes

Example of Data In Web Pages

For the internet signal path

For Smart Phone and Tablets

For All Web Browsers

Copy HTML Code To Web Page


Web pages have three main parts. They are marked by the 
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">



In this context, cookies are small amounts of html instruction code that, website builder programs and or web page makers can placed between the <head> </head> tags that are in web pages. That allows web page owners to insert new instruction sequences that are not already integral to a specific website builder program. Those instructions can also represent expansions to the internet signal path and or web browser functionality. That means that the software that understands new or extra data between the <head> </head> tags may have been added by web browser suppliers or is implemented on a server that is not owned by the person with the web page. 

Web Browser instructions that are not between the <head> </head> tags are not called cookies.

The instructions between the <head> </head> tags are executed before content that is between the <body> </body> tags.

Content between the the <head> </head> tags do not need user interaction and do not have visible components.

Content between the the <body> </body> tags contain the visual and user interaction elements.

html instruction codes

http is the hypertext protocol and html is the hypertext makeup language that is used to implement that protocol.

Web browser software is updated and modified by first making the necessary changes to the operating system and then providing web browser software with a method of calling the functions that are new or have been modified.

Example:  New things such as special smart phone functions are added, without deleting anything that is already being used by others.

Example of Data In Web Pages

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=0.65, minimum-scale=0.1, maximum-scale=10">

<meta http-equiv='content-language' content='en-us'>

For the internet signal path

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache">
Means do not cache pages so that a user should always get the latest version.
Web browsers do not seem to take any notice of that instruction, therefore while testing your web pages it may ignore that statement.
Solution: Use more than one web browser when testing or delete browser history. The problem with deleting browser history while you are working is that the internet connection that you are working with may crash and you may have to start again anyway.

If you are working with persons that link through your web page or pages, they will usually give you something to place between the <head> </head> tags that will switch users to their server and then do whatever they are doing from there.

For Smart Phone and Tablets

This is the most important cookie in our web pages.
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=0.65, minimum-scale=0.1, maximum-scale=10">

Web browsers in smart phones and tablets understand that statement. It tells them how much to reduce the size of web page content so that it will just about fit on their screen and be readable.

The values shown for were gained by trial and error. Text size, text type and text width as well as the smart phone screen area in comparison to that of a standard PC screen were relevant in finding the values shown.

Search engine tools encourage website owners to write something like the
"viewport" statement above between  the <head> </head> tags  of web pages. Quite a few search engines also supply or promote a web browser.

Note: The width of the main text areas in our pages are about 450 pixels, so that when a phone uses the  initial-scale=0.65 part of the instruction to reduce the size of a page to 0.65 of it's original size, the main text will just about fit the width of that phone when the page is first shown.

PCs simply ignore that instruction.

Note: That, if a web browser finds instructions in a web page that it can read correctly, but does not understand, it will simply ignore them. Example: PCs do not need a "viewport" scaling function.

For All Web Browsers

<meta http-equiv='content-language' content='en-us'>
This instruction tells web browsers, (the operating system), that the reference language here is English-United States. Even though most web browsers now have a language auto detect function, this instruction will save computing time, especially when one considers the fact that there are several different versions of English being used on the internet. 

Copy HTML Code To Web Page

Depending on who you are working with, it sometimes becomes necessary to copy HTML code that is supplied by another person to a web page.

http url page links: Connect them to the pages using link text in the usual way.

Scripts: If they do not contain visual or interactive components, place them between the header tags. Scripts may not always work, because they may be dependent on which version of a particular script interpreter is on a user's computer.

html instructions: If they do not contain visual or interactive components, place them between the the <head> </head>  tags.

Code that Produce Visual Things
Do the following:
1. Place an html component on a page.
2. Open it's property page.
3. Paste the code into the text field.
4. Move the  html component to where ever you want it on the page.
5. That was it.

Version 2 of this text is in an html component. Only the part that is between the  <body> </body> tags has been inserted into the html component. The header part is the same as for this page.

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How to decide where to put extra html instruction code in web pages


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